13 Lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad

13 Critical Lessons from “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Are there lessons from “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, “Money – Master The Game” or “The Richest Man inBabylon”?

I doubted that back in 2015. That year I had my personal financial breakdown. Some things did not really worked the way I wanted them. And I was not even able to correct it. So I crashed right against a wall and dumbed my finances. Read more


CW 16 – Top #3 P2P News: Peerberry strong, Global volume drops and Robocash reports 1.5MUSD revenue in Q1

Robocash revenue at 1.5MUSD in Q1-2022 – sounds bad, but probably is not. After publishing their numbers from Q1-2022 Robocash investors should have a strong sign for the future. While the RUS and UA business drops, loans from the Philippines increase while Kazhakstan is still the leader in their portfolio. Welcome to my latest P2P News. Read more

P2P Income Report March 2022

Income Report March 2022

March 2022 – the world is still spinning, war is still going on and it is getting warmer outside – that might be a good wrap up of the last month. But since we re facing different challenges like the war and several shortages of supplies the world seems like in an “onhold-modus” – another time.

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6 Good Money Habits That Can Turn You Financially Free

6 good money habits that can turn you financially free

Good money habits are the basics for everything you want to achieve financially in your life. It is not important whether you are aiming for financial freedom, your own house or getting out of debt. At the end it all comes down to what you execute and behave on every day. Read more

P2P News CW10 - Kviku Finance Update

CW 10 – Top #3 P2P News: Kviku Finance Update, Reinvest24 expands and Peerberry facing reality

Another week went by and we are still facing a lot of challenges. Especially the war in Ukraine influences the P2P industry more and more – and the dimensions are getting more and more clear for platforms and investors.

Welcome to my latest P2P News.

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