Crushing it in 2021

2019 was a success, but in 2020 I will crush it

In my last monthly reports I always wrote about my planning of 2020 and how I made it differently this year. Now, after the Christmas days I have to consider, that I did it absolutely the right way. Trying out something new is always a bit scary. But when you prove your decision of doing if a different way, you will learn to challenge yourself. Read more

Passive Income Report November 2019

#PAR05 Passive Income Report November 2019

The end is coming. But every end is another start of something new, so I am really looking for this end to come. My November was quite full with things concerning the next year. I decided to end up with several clients.

The main reason therefore was the big problem of selling time, which I do not want to focus on. I would like to work in projects, which have more interesting topics (for me personally) and are not depending on the time in spent therefore. So I am really happy with the workload for the next year. Read more

Passive investor

7 habits of a successful passive investor in P2P lending

A passive investor is someone earning a lot of money while investing just a very little time into those investments. Quite a lot of people are talking about passive income. But what does passive income mean? I like to keep it very simple: The less active you must be to receive an income from any investment, the more passive income you have. Read more