Smart Financial Goals

How to find smart financial goals to be 100% achieved

Today I would like to talk about smart financial goals. “Smart” is always the meaning of a clever and thoughtful way to achieve something. As a lot of people, also including me, fail to achieve their financial goals, I wanted to change it for my perspective some time ago. Now it is the time to plan again for 2021 in a detailled way, wherefore I was researching the web again for content. I want to present you, what I have found and in which way it affected my goal planning. Read more

How I will make my 5 year goals work

5 Year Goals: Where to do you see yourself in five years?

Do you have 5 year goals? As you know I really like the idea of making goals and planning to achieve them. After my passive income report of October I once took out my plans for 2020. They are written down in a small book which I use to make notes over the year. So, whatever 2020 made with this world, I have to check my goals for this year. And one of the very huge goals was to generate a passive income stream of 250 Euro from capital income.

I failed, to be honest. Read more

focus on passive income

#PAR10 Passive Income Report April + May 2020

Yes, I am still alive. Maybe you remember me from my last income report from March. Since then a lot happend. But I am not here to make any excuses. So let’s start with my income report. As two months have gone by I report them together, but each mentioned itself. Therefore it will be just one report. Read more

Enjoying my P2P interst at a sunset in Langkawi

#PAR07 Passive Income Report January 2020

The first month of 2020 is over. And there was quite a lot happening in P2P lending business. Kuetzal is called scam and broke down, as well as envestio did. Both P2P lending platforms went apart and you are no longer able to invest. Unfortunately the first losses are reported. Until now there were just a few losses concerning separate loans. But now it looks like as if two platforms are not able to refund the invested sums of their investors. Read more

Crushing it in 2021

2019 was a success, but in 2020 I will crush it

In my last monthly reports I always wrote about my planning of 2020 and how I made it differently this year. Now, after the Christmas days I have to consider, that I did it absolutely the right way. Trying out something new is always a bit scary. But when you prove your decision of doing if a different way, you will learn to challenge yourself. Read more