
9 P2P quality flags making a P2P lending platform trustworthy

Today I want to talk about P2P quality flags of P2P lending platforms. Also the P2P lending market is not regulated like the stock market, there are several flags every investor is able to use before his investment. Meanwhile there are services like sneakypeer or a ratingboard from Lars who show you those figures on a onepager. Read more


CW 29: P2P News: Crowdestor FLEX vs Bondora Go and Grow – Comparable?

Welcome to this weeks P2P NEWS. I launched this format to keep you guys informed about the latest news. Since last year there are huge changes in the P2P area, which are sometimes hard to follow for all P2P lending platforms. There I will to pick those Top 3 News per week, which seem most important for me. Read more

Game Plan For a New Week

Game Plan CW 29: Jumpstart into the week!

Welcome to another week. It is again game time, so let’s make the best out of it. Do you already made plans for the new week?

Years ago I stumbled into Joe Duncan from @before5am on Instagram, who is constantly doing a sunday-evening post about planing your new week.  I tried it several times and I found a system which worked for me. But I was not able to keep the habit and forgot about it – damn it! Read more

How to get wealthy from nothing in 2021

How To Get Wealthy From Nothing In 2021

In todays blogpost I would like to handle a topic which I am really into: How to get wealthy from nothing! Following my financial journey you might know, that I started below zero several years ago. And I also want to “retire”, meaning reaching financial freedom, by the end of 2025. Read more