DanaRupiah new on Income

CW 51 – Top #3 P2P News: DanaRupiah new on Income, Wowwo suspended from Mintos + Zopa closes P2P platform

Today we will look at DanaRupiah, which is a new loan originator on Income. Mintos decided to suspend Wowwo, the turkish loan originator and the UK-platform Zopa closes their P2P platform in January 2022.

So welcome to another week of intersting P2P News – Let’s dive into the details

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Income Report 11-2021

Income Report November 2021

How was your November 2021? Over here in Germany we faced another huge increase of covid-infections, but somehow people do not really care about it. Compared to last years October life seems to be as normal as possible and still going on. Therefore there was a lot of “noise” from the media but nothing which really affected me. So let’s get into the P2P lending scene of November and explore what happend there.

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P2P News CW 50 Bondora

CW 50 – Top #3 P2P News: Bondora adjusts 400EUR limit, Eurocent is done, Bulkestate 5th birthday

And welcome to another P2P news post. This week everything seems to be dealing with growth. So lets’ dive into the latest news!

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