Smart Financial Goals

How to find smart financial goals to be 100% achieved

Today I would like to talk about smart financial goals. “Smart” is always the meaning of a clever and thoughtful way to achieve something. As a lot of people, also including me, fail to achieve their financial goals, I wanted to change it for my perspective some time ago. Now it is the time to plan again for 2021 in a detailled way, wherefore I was researching the web again for content. I want to present you, what I have found and in which way it affected my goal planning. Read more

Passive Income Report November

#PAR13 Passive Income Report November 2020

Welcome to my newest update of my passive income. For those of you being invested in stocks the period should have been quite successful. Watching several people on Instagram with their months statements their portfolio grow by 10% to 18%. Incredible! My personal growth rate in stocks was just about 9%, which is compared to the rest of the year quite okay. I am closing the distance to the market performance, which is my main target. Read more