P2P News CW 20: Income Marketplace hits 10MEUR

CW 20 – Top #3 P2P News: Income Marketplace hits 10MEUR, NEO Finance adjusts financing and viainvest with dubious mails

Big achievement for Income Markeptlace: They funded over € 10 million in loans since their start. That is quite an impressive number. Additionally more and more loan originators are onboarded, just like Hoovi. NEO Finance changed their own rules on financing published loans on their platform. And viainvest faced a more-or-less-hack where emails were sent to some investors.

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P2P News CW 19: Bondora Go and Grow Unlimited

CW 19 – Top #3 P2P News: Bondora Go and Grow Unlimited, Invest Stuttgart 2022 and Peerberry repayment status

Bondora Go and Grow Unlimited was launched last week. The account has no deposit and withdrawal restrictions for investors. Furthermore we are looking at the Invest-Fair 2022 happening this weekend in Stuttgart, Germany as well as on the latest Repayment status from Peerberry. Have fun!

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P2P News CW 18: Hoovi joins Income Marketplace

CW 18 – Top #3 P2P News: Hoovi joins Income, Debitum’s Update on Ukraine and Mintos Notes starts in May

Hoovi is a new loan originator at Income Marketplace. Do not forget to adjust your investment strategy. Furthermore Debitum gives an interesting update on their war-affected loans from ChainFinance in Ukraine. And last but not least Mintos starts their Notes on 25th of May.

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Income Report 02-2022

Income Report April 2022

April is over and everything is moving into May. It looks like this year spring and summer will come around again, also the whole world is acting crazy. This is the most important time to keep on my pace and work on my goals while everyone is trying to clarify the rest of the world. Go for it – I will on my own.

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P2P News CW 17: Moldova Update from Reinvest24

CW 17 – Top #3 P2P News: Moldova Update from Reinvest24, EstateGuru expansion and Mintos recovery from Russian loans

Moldova-Update from Reinvest24 – interesting insights and a good wrap-up of the current situation. Furthermore todays news are about the expansion of EstateGuru to GER and UK as well as a opportunity for Mintos to receive money from Russian loans.

Welcome to my latest P2P News.

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