P2P News: Robocash adjusts interest rates

CW 04 – Top #3 P2P News: Robocash adjusts interest rates, “P2P lending” at finfellas and new LO on Income

Robocash investors should read it, as the platform adjusts their interest rates; finfellas hosts event on P2P lending and Income has a new LO – that is what I want to talk about this week!

Welcome to my latest P2P News.

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P2P News CW 03 Bondster strategies

CW 03 – Top #3 P2P News: Bondster strategies, Update von KAZ + Income Seedrs campaign

DoFinance Recovery, Update on EstateGurus aut-invest and Mintos pauses loan originators from Kazahkstan- that is what I want to talk about this week!

Welcome to my latest P2P News. Honestly I am little bit late. Nevertheless, I still want to deliver as there have been enough throughout the week.

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Robocash Update

Robocash Update – How the tiny little helper grew over the last two years

In todays blogpost I would like to update my Robocash blogpost. I wrote it in the beginning of 2020, so nearly two years ago. Aligned to this blogpost I also wrote an official review on Robocash, which I will update every month if there are some news about the platform. Read more

P2P News 02 DoFinance Recovery

CW 02 – Top #3 P2P News: DoFinance Recovery, Update on EstateGurus auto-invest, Mintos pauses LO from Kazahkstan

DoFinance Recovery, Update on EstateGurus aut-invest and Mintos pauses loan originators from Kazahkstan- that is what I want to talk about this week!

Welcome to 2022 and welcome to the latest P2P News of this week. As I paused this section since CW51 I took three news out of this whole time which influenced my portfolio.

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P2P Income Report Dec 2021

Income Report December 2021

Happy New Year 2022! The new year already arrived. So it is time to write an update on my monthly income report. I am pretty excited whether my money was able to work harder than me during the month 🙂

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