Conlending with Celsius, Swipe and Coinloan

Coinlending – Is there any chance to earn money?

Coinlending sounds quite wired at the first sight. Dealing with crypto currencies is still seen as a very “dark chapter” of society. Just people without bank accounts use crypto currencies. And as today it is soooo simple to get a bank account, those guys must be criminal. That is what society mainly thinks you cryptos. Read more

Financial life planning

How to use financial life planning to avoid relying on others

Currently I am working on my financial life planning. Since several weeks I try to understand the FIRE-principal in a deeper way than before. As I am not made for living my life mostly frugal with a savings rate abover 50%, I am working on the different aspects of this principal to be implemented in my financial life. Read more


#PAR11 Passive Income Report June 2020

Welcome to my new passive income report. It is already July. So it is time to publish my income report from the last month. There are not many things going on in my personal P2P world. But if you take a wider range, there are quite some things happening, which might be interesting. Read more

Keep rolling - it is never too late

#PAR09 Passive Income Report March 2020

„Tough times“ – this is what I hear quite often at the moment. And yes, I guess those times are really tough. Especially for those people, who are directly influenced by the coronavirus. And I mean “directly” as a direction and not just a simple excuse for everything. Elderly people, sick people and of course those, who are belonging to the high-risk groups. Read more

Coronavirus Crisis in P2P lending

How is P2P lending facing the Coronavirus crisis?

A few weeks ago the world seemed normal and the Coronavirus was just something far away. I myself was still in Malaysia at the end of January. Every weekend I did sports and ran. Strength training, endurance training and above all I paid attention to my diet.

And what is going on now? Read more