
GamePlan CW5: Divide your goals by 30

Good morning and welcome to another great week. So what happened since my day one last week? Believe it or not, but it felt very good. I was more focused on doing my stuff and not allowing others things to take in influence on me – also they of course did. But the less they do, the better for me. Read more

Real Estate Lending

3 ways to invest into Real Estate Lending in 2021

Real Estate Lending is especially know as buying your own flat or apartment. When talking about it there is often the so-called-advantage that buying real estate will lead to more freedom when people get old. Until today I am personally not convinced of that as I mainly see several disadvantages. But not buying my own property does not mean I do not want to invest into real estate. As you know I love to diversify, which is also the case for real estate lending. Read more


GamePlan CW4: Following the 72 hours rule

Good morning everyone, today will be my day one. Do you this quote: “One Day Or Day One – You Decide”. And I decided to make today my day number one. Read more

Conlending with Celsius, Swipe and Coinloan

Coinlending – Is there any chance to earn money?

Coinlending sounds quite wired at the first sight. Dealing with crypto currencies is still seen as a very “dark chapter” of society. Just people without bank accounts use crypto currencies. And as today it is soooo simple to get a bank account, those guys must be criminal. That is what society mainly thinks you cryptos. Read more

Financial life planning

How to use financial life planning to avoid relying on others

Currently I am working on my financial life planning. Since several weeks I try to understand the FIRE-principal in a deeper way than before. As I am not made for living my life mostly frugal with a savings rate abover 50%, I am working on the different aspects of this principal to be implemented in my financial life. Read more