Financial Independence: Get financially in shapre

Financial Independence: Get Financially In Shape!

From my point of view Financial Independence is the most important goal! With this blogpost I want to start a series on my blog talking about the DO’s and DON’Ts you have to follow to reach financial independence. Read more

P2P News CW 35

CW 35 – Top #3 P2P News: Bitcoin-Secured loans on Bondster + Twino regulation + Mintos investment

Welcome to another week full of news. When I started investing into P2P lending the information was pretty rare. Especially after the last year when covid had a huge impact in this sector a lot of P2P lending platforms started to communicate reguarly. Read more

New platform Income Marketplace

New P2P Platform-Check: Getincome / Income Marketplace

Getincome or Income Marketplace is a quite new P2P lending platform, who focusses on securing investors money. That sounds pretty good on the first sight. In todays blogpost I will try to find out, what Income Marketplace is about. And of course trying to find an answer to the question whether their platform is more safe for investors than others.

For investors and also interested investors there is the chance to meet CEO Kimmo Rytkönen on 04.09.2021. Lars Wrobbel, the pope of P2P lending in Germany, invited him to his monthly community meetup via Zoom. If you need any more information, join his Telegram channel and check the post from 15th of August. The content is mainly in german, but during the meetup with Kimmo it will be probably english. Read more


9 P2P quality flags making a P2P lending platform trustworthy

Today I want to talk about P2P quality flags of P2P lending platforms. Also the P2P lending market is not regulated like the stock market, there are several flags every investor is able to use before his investment. Meanwhile there are services like sneakypeer or a ratingboard from Lars who show you those figures on a onepager. Read more


CW 29: P2P News: Crowdestor FLEX vs Bondora Go and Grow – Comparable?

Welcome to this weeks P2P NEWS. I launched this format to keep you guys informed about the latest news. Since last year there are huge changes in the P2P area, which are sometimes hard to follow for all P2P lending platforms. There I will to pick those Top 3 News per week, which seem most important for me. Read more