
GamePlan CW 22: The first days are gone…

Last week I started again with writing my weekly GamePlan. In CW 21 I plannend to reach the following goals: Read more


GamePlan CW 21: Restart

My last GamePlan is from calender week 11, which is exactly 10 weeks ago. And it has also been my last blogpost here. Unfortunately! Read more


GamePlan CW 11: The value of day one

Honestly, I hate to skip things and than continue with them later on. But the last two weeks I had a lot of excuses to not work on my GamePlan and unfortunately I allowed them to win. Starting all over again with this “no matter what”. Read more

Financial Health

Why working on your Financial Health matters for the rest of your life!

Today I want to about our financial health as it is a topic which influenced my life over the last years dramatically. I am not here to tell you how to do it. When I found out how financial health influenced my life, it was an eyeopener for me. Read more


GamePlan CW 8: First two months are over

Welcome to another week. We are heading towards the end of February which will be by the end of this week 59 days into 2021.

Are you able to already make something like your stats or numbers of this year? Does you daily work still fits to your goals you made for 2021? Read more