Bondora showed up in my portfolio as one of the first P2P lending platform back in 2016. It was the first time I invested into P2P lending. And I started with Mintos, Twino and Bondora – back than already trying to keep my money diversified. And our relationship was okay so far.
In 2018 Bondora launched their product “Go & Grow”, which is very easy to work with and gives you a “fixed” interest rate of 6,75%. This rate is fixed for Bondora, as they are not paying more thant 6,75%. But by checking their terms and conditions you would recognize that they do not fix it to investors. As far as I know I has never been less than 6,75% for investors. Read more
#2 Bondster – The second platform of my P2P High Yield Experiment
Today I would like to introduce Bondster, the second participant in my experiment. After my first post about Reinvest24 we will today travel digitally to Prague, Czech Republic. So I have a participant in my P2P portfolio who is not from the Baltic States. I’m happy about this on the one hand because it is something different for once and on the other hand because it has advantages for diversification. Read more
#1 Reinvest24 – The first platform of my P2P High Yield Experiment
I do know Reinvest24 since quite a while. But it lasted until now to get my first investment there. The reason therefore is simple: Reinvest24 is a smaller P2P platform, which did not matched my general P2P criterias until now. What does Reinvest24 did to match them now? Read more
Let’s have a P2P High Yield Experiment :)
Have you ever thought about P2P high yield investing in your own portfolio? Read more
#PAR11 Passive Income Report June 2020
Welcome to my new passive income report. It is already July. So it is time to publish my income report from the last month. There are not many things going on in my personal P2P world. But if you take a wider range, there are quite some things happening, which might be interesting. Read more
Bondora – Easy investing at 6,75 % with an all-in-one solution
Bondora showed up in my portfolio as one of the first P2P lending platform back in 2016. It was the first time I invested into P2P lending. And I started with Mintos, Twino and Bondora – back than already trying to keep my money diversified. And our relationship was okay so far.
In 2018 Bondora launched their product “Go & Grow”, which is very easy to work with and gives you a “fixed” interest rate of 6,75%. This rate is fixed for Bondora, as they are not paying more thant 6,75%. But by checking their terms and conditions you would recognize that they do not fix it to investors. As far as I know I has never been less than 6,75% for investors. Read more