View to Kristiansand, Norway

#PAR01 Passive Income Report July 2019

July is over and I am able to make my first report. No, I did not make millions and I am not feeling financially free, but the first tiny step is done. In June and July I reported about the following P2P platforms and invested money: Read more

Bucket List Goal: Macchu Picchu

Bucket List: Nothing works without goals written down

Do you have a bucket list? A bucket list is a list of things you want to do and experience in your life. It comes mainly from the movie „Bucket List“. Edward and Carter meet the first time in hospital. Both will die soon, so they decide to do those things, they always wanted to do in life. Read more

P2P Conference in Riga 2019

Review of the P2P Conference in Riga

P2P Conference in Riga? Have you ever heard of it? Or even Riga?

Riga is the capital of Latvia. It is situated in the Baltic area below Finland. Since several years the Baltic states are good known in Europe for their increasing digitization.

Latvia, as well as Estonia and Lithuania are typical countries in northern Europe. Huge forest, rough climate and open minded people – I really enjoy being in the northern part of Europe. This time is was just not for vacations, but for business reasons: visiting the P2P Conference. Read more

Hey there, read about my plans of financial freedom

Writing about financial freedom: YES, but this is my very first post on this website and I am quite excited about it. There are several reasons about this excitement, but at first I am happy to welcome you here.

Over the last years I followed a lot of people, who influenced my life. In the end this was (and still is) very valueable, but for me it is time to get started. And this website is exactly my project for the next years, to “get started”. Read more