Financial crisis - what will happen to P2P lending?

Will P2P lending crash during financial crisis?

Financial crisis as well as economical meltdown – since weeks and months there is a myth-monster called “recession” on the news. You can read it in any newspaper , watch it on any news-video and if you believe in official numbers, the trend is confirmed.

Especially here in Germany the myth-monster is very active. The macroeconomic policy institute just released their newest date of a recession fear. The probability of a recession in Germany within the next three months climbed up from 43% to now 59%. Read more

DoFinance Logo

DoFinance is doing your finances long-term with up to 12%

DoFinance is a P2P lending platform, which I have to love from its name. “Do your finances” – sound pretty like “take the responsibility and do your own stuff”. I really like that. But investing just because of good emotions? No way, so let’s check DoFinance today. Read more

Invest and Access: Earn high returns

Invest and Access: 12% easy-to-handle-interest is just one click away!

Invest and Access is a newly launched product from Mintos. It was first shown to the public during the P2P Conference in June 2019. As I was on a personal challenge for saving money, this launch just come in the moment.

Now, something more than a month later, I would like to recap my first impressions about Invest and Access as well as my own challenge. Read more

Bulkestate Logo

Why Bulkestate made me break every investment rule

Bulkestate is a P2P lending platform offering investments in real estate projects mainly in Europe. The Bulkestate ÖÜ was registered in 2016 as a financial institute in Estonia. On their platform different real estate projects are offered to the investors. Beside several information about the project, the yield and time frame any investor can take part in the investment.

Baltic real estate for everyone? Yes, exactly. Investing in an european area of increasing economics does not sound like the worst idea! Read more

mintos p2p lending platform

Mintos with 13% yield on my invest – Is that possible?

Mintos is one of the biggest p2p platforms in Europe. With over 2 billion Euros invested loans and nearby 150.000 investors Mintos outperforms anyone else. Relying on the p2p loan volume of from April 2019 the whole market volume is about 550 million Euros. Read more