Bondora Go and Grow review

Bondora – Easy investing at 6,75 % with an all-in-one solution

Bondora showed up in my portfolio as one of the first P2P lending platform back in 2016. It was the first time I invested into P2P lending. And I started with Mintos, Twino and Bondora – back than already trying to keep my money diversified. And our relationship was okay so far.

In 2018 Bondora launched their product “Go & Grow”, which is very easy to work with and gives you a “fixed” interest rate of 6,75%. This rate is fixed for Bondora, as they are not paying more thant 6,75%. But by checking their terms and conditions you would recognize that they do not fix it to investors. As far as I know I has never been less than 6,75% for investors. Read more

Robocash Logo wide

Robocash – Tiny little helper with 12% to reach financial freedom?

Robocash, what a name of a P2P platform. I really liked it since the very first day I read about Robocash on Lars’ blog. Additionally the logo is quite cute as you get the intention of a small roboter helping you to invest your money. But do I really rely on those things when investing my money? Read more

Iban Wallet logo

Iban Wallet: Big deal or big fail?

Iban Wallet sounds quite cool, does not it? When I first heard of them via a newsletter, I surfed to their website. The content is very good structured, nice pictures and the explanations sound quite easy.

If you are used to the “normal” interest rates from P2P lending, you are more or less shocked from 2,5% to 6% – but still far better than you day money account. So I thought to myself: Why not having a try with Iban Wallet in order to diversify risk among several P2P lending platforms. Read more

P2P business loans

P2P business loans are your chance to participate from business capital

P2P business loans – have you ever recognized about them? Several P2P platforms especially concentrate on those investments, but it is not really popular. As you maybe know from my Debitum Network blogpost I really like investing into P2P business loans.

Today I want to talk about my view on the advantages and how I am able to participate from worldwide entrepreneurship. Some weeks ago I made another blogpost about investments into real estate with P2P lending. With this blogpost I want to add another category for you as investors into business loans via a platform. Read more

P2P lending with real estate to diversify the portfolio

Why investing in real estate via P2P lending might be a good idea!

A lot of my former school mates and friends always wanted to buy an own home to live in. Many of them called it an “investment into the future” – mostly because they do not have to a rent, when they are old. Read more