#PAR14 Passive Income Report December 2020
And here we are – 2021! I am wishing all of you a Happy New Year. May all of your wishes and goals come true, hoping you are blessed with healthiness and the power to succeed.
We celebrated christmas as well as New Years Eve quite small, just toghether with my brother. Germany is a lockdown-light since the beginning of November and a much stricter lockdown since December. Therefore christmas parties were pretty small this year in our house, wherefore there is not that much to report about. I used the bank holidays to do a lot of running and make even more plans for 2021.
So, now it started off and? Everything seems to be the same as before. We are still dealing with the coronavirus, stocks are still rising, there is a lot of work to do and of P2P lending is still there. It is quite interesting to chat with some people on Instagram and find out about there perspective. I do not want to rate it anyway, it is just good to have a second opinion.
Table of Contents
Passive income during December
My money was of course working while I way sitting in front of the Christmas tree π And that s a great deal. I need more of that, wherefore I want to increase my passive income during 2021 massively up to 1.000 β¬. May you read the blogpost about the Smart Financial Goals? 1.000 β¬ of passive income is my goal – so, we are already some days into the new year and I have to get to work now.
My total passive income from P2P lending raised a bit in December to nearby 60 β¬. As I am currrently investing quite a lof of money also into P2P lending I expect this number to go up soon. Roughly calculting with an interest of 10%, every 100 β¬ invested equal a monthly “payrise” of 0,83 β¬. During January I planned to invest about 800 to 1.000 β¬ into P2P lending, which make hopefully make me another 6,50 β¬ to 8,30 β¬ from March on. This timelag is due to the moment I invest, which will not include the whole January and therefore not the whole interest.
As you see in this overview my total in P2P lending increase during the last two months. That was plannend and will continue during 2021. About 1.000 β¬ interest from P2P lending in 2020 is quite a good number, also I have never been that focussed before. So there is no comparison to the period before. Of course I would be able to calculate it, but for me it is more interesting to earn more money and getting it to work.
December – Investments
I was asked via mail as well as on Instagram, which assets I am investing in. Therefore I decided to give you all of my investments, not just P2P lending. Please note, that this is no way of consultation. Do not copy what I did, but do your own research! I can not held responsible for what you are doing with that information.
- Bondora-> 250 β¬
- Bondster-> 50 β¬
- viainvest-> 50 β¬
- Mintos -> 125 β¬
- Swipe.io -> SXP coin
- Crypto.com -> CRO coin
- MSCI World Quality Dividend ETF
- Globald High Yield Corp Bond ETF
- Asia Pacific Dividend ETF
- Fallen Angels High Yield Corp ETF
Especially with those ETF below I am building a high-yield-income-portfolio. It is called the “Blitzdepot” from Luis Pazos, which I already wrote about in my blogpost about “Portfolio Income”. The idea behind it is to keep things as simple as possible and create a portfolio of high interest investment like REITs, dividend shares and bonds. The overall yield after costs is about 4,2%, mainly depending on the rate I am buying the ETF shares.
Mintos – Martins @finfellas virtual P2P conference
Martins Sulte from Mintos talked about a quite interesting topic, which I already mentioned in my last income report: What do P2P lending platforms learned from 2020. Overall Mintos was able to learn a lot this year. And more that β¬7 million during their crowdfunding campaign are a sign of the investors trust. Additionally their blog ist full of recovery updates and updated usually once a month. For me Mintos is a proper P2P platform, where I am investing into and want to increase my account.
The next finfellas event will be from 28th to 29th January. The topic will be “Real Estate Lending”. The following guest will talk about the topic:
Nikita Goncars from LendsecuredΒ
Your host will be again Lars Wrobbel and until now it is for free π
DoFinance – nothing more to say
How would you feel if you invested money, received the interest, but are not able to get your initial investment back? That is what DoFinance currently feels like. It seems like they want to start over again and from some people I do know, that they invested and getting interest. But as my money is mainly still invested at a interest rate below 1%, it really sucks here. Don’t what to do or to think, but THIS is not really trustworthy.
Bondora – account blocked because of my kids π
I have two sons living with me aged 8 and 5. It is never to early to learn about finances. I think it is some months back during my sabbatical when I checked my Bondora account and my son saw it like: “Whaaaaahh dad, you have so much money?”. He asked a lot and I answered and since then both guys are thinking I am lending money to older men from the Baltics – somehow I need to improve my explanation skills.
Of course they wanted to invest some money as well, wherefore I set two Bondora Go and Grow accounts for them in my account. As I have three kids on account was not enough and I opened another Bondora-account. Now I was contacted for violating their rules of one account per person. And both accounts are still earning money, but currently they are blocked for withdrawals. So I need to find a way how to manage three kids and myself in one Bondora account. Any suggestions?
Overall I am very happy with Bondora. Numbers are increasing and this month it were more than 8 β¬ of passive income. That is great and I want to keep (and increase) it. I am planning to invest another 300 – 500 EUR here during January.
Grab you 5 β¬ sign up bonus at Bondora here and register
Bulkestate – no news are good news
There is nothing to report about from Bulkestate. There is still one project overdue, wherefrom I have not received any interest or repayment since mid of 2020, but Bulkestate is working on it. This might be frustrating, but Baiba from Bulkestate is ways better in organizing it, than me. So need to wait and I am cool with any news about it. That is life and investing into P2P lending is risky, so I never mind waiting some time for my money.
Robocash – another strong month
I am quite happy about this comeback. When I wrote about Robocash shortly afterwards there was nothing to hear from them. No news, no interest payment – somehow strange. But only two months later they restructered themselves and starting paying again – with communication. So I am happy for two reasons: first I did not wrote bullshit in my blogpost and secondly my money is working again.
As my interest rate during December was above 15% there are still late payments from periods before included. I will stay invested here and probably increase my investment during the second quartile for this year.
Debitum – still running, but a bit less this time
Last month I talked about the fact, that the payments usually meet the forecast from Debitum. As an investor this is good, as the incomestream is more relieable – and additionally the loans are not overdue. This month there was a small decrease, as it was about 1,50β¬ more forecasted, than paid. My account here is quite small, so please be gently with me. I would like to increase the amount, but as I am currently not an income millionaire, I need to set priorities where to invest my money. I think Debitum will get another amount from me during the second quartile.
In January I will update my Debitum-post, as some things changed AND I have more than one year of experience here. Stay tuned π And there is a cachback until mid of January 21, read their blogpost.
Twino – welcome to my income report
As I already mentioned I want to increase my investment at Twino during 2021. I was invested here before, with withdraw most of the money when they had problems to find new loans. Meanwhile the platform grew like hell and placed themselve somewhere in the Top 5 in the Baltics. In the end of December I decided to invest 250 β¬ here into my account, which makes it “big enough” to talk about. Still 500 β¬ is not a big investment, but things are getting more serious. Furthermore there will be more addups this year.
The first results will be there by the end of January, whereas the 1,65 β¬ from December are not the biggest impact. But I wanted to let you know I am serious about Twino and working on it.
Grab your 15 β¬ bonus at Twino here (invest at least 100 β¬)
Let’s rock 2021 every day
Whatever you are after this year, tackle your to do list down from day one. I am doing the same. And it really sucks π But it helps. Since November I am writing down three daily goals and I do not go into bed before they are done. The first time working in the evening feels pretty cool, the secondΒ time I was scared about the next morning and the third time it just sucked. Therefore I am trying to get my things done in the morning, latest before I get the kids.
Do you know Telegram? It is something like Whatsapp, but you are allowed to create groups. I created one for those P2P news I am familiar with as well as those who affect the P2P lending market. I would be happy if you join: https://t.me/joinchat/UAv6AizpprmN5g2C
What else? Nothing more, I guess. I am hoping you will have an incredible start into 2021 and I am wishing you all the very best!
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