Change the way think

Change the way you think – a short recap of six months as a blogger!

Change the way you think – what a short sentence and what a big impact to me. On 5th of May I published the first post here my blog. So it is more or less a kind of birthday I am celebrating today. The way is still far to go, but I am quite pleased to reach this first milestone. For me personally today is a good day, because I am able to write about something I reached: six months of blogging as a financial blogger! Read more

Planning my weeks in 90 day sprints

#PAR04 Passive Income Report October 2019

Another month has gone and we are heading to the end of the year quite fast. Weather gets shitty, streets are filled because no one wants to go on holidays at that time and christmas business everywhere. First Black Friday, afterwards Cyber Monday and then the “usual” advertisements for Christmas.

This is maybe good for the companies I have shares from and maybe also for P2P lending as a lot of new loans are made to finance the wishes from the next years today – but do we really need that time? Read more

P2P business loans

P2P business loans are your chance to participate from business capital

P2P business loans – have you ever recognized about them? Several P2P platforms especially concentrate on those investments, but it is not really popular. As you maybe know from my Debitum Network blogpost I really like investing into P2P business loans.

Today I want to talk about my view on the advantages and how I am able to participate from worldwide entrepreneurship. Some weeks ago I made another blogpost about investments into real estate with P2P lending. With this blogpost I want to add another category for you as investors into business loans via a platform. Read more

Passive income investments

Passive income investments with less time and more success

Passive income investments sound like a dream, which will not be able to come true. But I think it works, if you are able to cope with the circumstances of it. Usually investing comes along with the intention of flashing red and green candlesticks on live-charts for 24 hours a day. Read more

P2P lending with real estate to diversify the portfolio

Why investing in real estate via P2P lending might be a good idea!

A lot of my former school mates and friends always wanted to buy an own home to live in. Many of them called it an “investment into the future” – mostly because they do not have to a rent, when they are old. Read more