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Today I would like to invite you to join me on my Robocash Review. On this website I will provide you a lot of information about Robocash. I started investing on this platform back in 2017 and increased my investment reguarly. During this time we had some highs and lows, which I will talk about on this post.

As the P2P lending platform convinces me and has a solid and transparent business model, I will stay with them. Therefore you will receive first hand information out of my experience.

If you liked my Robocash review and want to get invested, you will receive a 1% cashback using my link below

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> Disclaimer

I do not give any investment advice and do not make any recommendations. I myself am invested in all P2P platforms I report on. All information is provided without guarantee. Past developments are no indicator for future developments! Links to the P2P platforms are usually affiliate links, where you have advantages and I earn a small commission. Please note my disclaimer.

First Release: 15.10.2021
Last Update: 20.12.2021

What is Robocash?

Robocash is a P2P lending platform providing P2P loans to their investors. Robocash, which is correctly written as due to their URL on the internet, was founded back in 2017. It belongs to the parent company Robocash Group, which was founded in 2013. Within this group there are several loan originators issuing their loans via the P2P lending platform.

The company itself is seated in Croatia. Most of the employees work on Novosibirsk, Russia as the Robocash Group is based in Russia. While having your first look at the platform it looks like a marketplace like Mintos. But it is not, as their loan originators are all owned by the Robocash Group. You find a detailled overview on their website here.

Robocash loan originators

Robocash loan originators taken from website

As all of the special purpose verhicles (SPV) are managed from the Robocash Group, the platform is comparable with Bondora who is also “generating” their own loans. Having experience in the field of P2P lending since 2017 makes Robocash one of the rather older platforms. On the P2P platform itself there are mainly consumer loans published, but also a smaller share of business loans.

The Robocash Group was founded back in 2013 and has more than 1.000 employees today. The group is operating in seven different countries around the world, which I will give you a more detailed insight later on.

Unfortunately their marketing is not based on big promo, wherefore the P2P lending platform is less known. This is why I would like to give you more information about investing your money at Robocash and earn interest from it.

Overview of important company data

I would like to give you some basic data about Robocash. Robocash is a part of the Robocash Group based in Russia, who also owns the loan originators publishing their loans on Robocash from several countries like Spain, Kazahkstan, Vietnam and Singapore.

Founded: Robocash Group (2013), Robocash P2P platform (2017)
Company headquarters: Robocash d.o.o, Petraฤiceva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110
CEO: Sergey Sedov, who is also the founder of Robocash Group
Contact & Social Media:ย  Website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
Number of investors: More 20.000 (Q3 2021)
Interest yield: Up to 12,3%, according to own statements (12-2021)
Loan terms: 1 week up to 2 years (7 – 720 days)
Minimum investment: 1 EUR
Auto Invest: Yes
Annual reports:ย  There are financial reports on their website, find them here
Regulation/licence: Yes, Robocash d.o.o. is regulated by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia
Buyback Guarantee Yes
Sign up bonus 1% Cashback on your investment (Grab your cashback here)

Which investment opportunities does Robocash offer?

Technically Robocash works as a P2P platform offering several P2P loans from loan originators to investors. As already mentioned Robocash receives most of their P2P loans out of their own mother Robocash Group. This company is currently working with local companies owned by the Robocash Group in six countries:

  • Kazahkstan
  • Spain
  • Singapore
  • Philippines
  • Vietnam (historically, but no more current)
  • Russian Federation (historically, but no more current)

In the following picture taken from the Robocash website you see that their main market is Kazahkstan. About half of their published loans comes from there. Second and third with a share of about 20% are Spain and Singapore. Their asian share divides into 9% from the Philippines and about 1% from Vietnam. The Russian Federation has another 0,3%.

Robocash loans funded

Robocash loans funded by country, screenshotet from the About-section on the Robocash website

Trying to find out about the size of Robocash they publish some numbers about the funded volume. About 300 million EUR is not very big compared to companies like Twino, Mintos or Bondora. Taking their age into consideration the volume is quite impressive and above P2P platforms like Debitum Network or viainvest.

Robocash Loan Volume

Robocash Loan Volume per quartile, screenshotet from the About-section on the Robocash website

Please note that Robocash was also able to increase the volumen during Q1-2020 to Q3-2020 when the whole stock market crashed and recovered. Also the increase was not big there has not been any kind of dump which we have seen at a lot of other P2P lending platforms during that time.

My personal Robocash story

I started investing with Robocash quite early. I think it was 2018 when I joined but I was not able to find out in detail. First I was amazed by their high interest rate not really knowing what P2P lending was about. I stayed invest since then with a quite small amount which I never really increased for no special reason. Mintos and Bondora seemed more interesting at that moment.

In 2019 I was able to meet Robocash at the P2P Conference in Riga. I really enjoyed the talk and decided to write about the platform. I did, but at that moment Robocash stucked and it looked they are not paying any interest to investors.

Since the beginning of 2021 I increased my investment again. Initially this was driven by the fact, that Robocash paid all outstanding interest and reported about the circumstances, which were mainly technically. However, I decided to increase my investment here and reached about 2.800Eur by the end of 2021. This is the โ€œmagic markโ€ of an interest income of 25EUR per month, which was my target.

While Lars was doing his preparation for the visit at Robocash, I decided to dig deeper and find out more about the platform. What I have found was more or less a well funded platform with an impressive track record. This is why I added them to my โ€œFocus Fourโ€ platforms.

In August we got in touch with each other and had an very nice chat about the platform itself. So letโ€™s carry all of these findings and facts together in the following Robocash review.

How to start investing at Robocash

First of all you need to register as an investor. Robocash accepts investors from the European Union, United Kingdom and Switzerland. Having your residence in one of this countries will allow you to register.

The registration itself is very simple. After selecting whether you are a private person or a company you enter your name, surname, email-adress, telephonnumber and gender.

Robocash registration

Creating an account as a Robocash investor

During the next step you need to fill in data about your residence, date of birth, number of passport and of course choose a password for your account. After verifying your emailadress you are registered and ready to start investing.

Payments to your Robocash account and withdrawals

Also Robocash is situated in Croatia they are operating with a latvian Bank. You need to send your money to AS BlueOrange Bank to the account of Robocash d.o.o. The “d.o.o” stands for the croatian company which is similar to a LLC as the d.o.o. is a limited liability company.

Currently you are just able to transfer and deposit money to your account by wire transfer. You can not use credit cards, Paypal, Transferwise or whatever. Please note that Robocash restricts the monthly deposit to 15.000 EUR, which should usually be enough for average investors like me ๐Ÿ™‚

How to add money to your Robocash account?

After you registered yourself and verified your emailadresse you will get access to your investors account. Here you will find a button on the upper right which is called “ADD FUNDS”. Pushing on this button you will receive a screen like the following introducing all relevant details to you which you need to organize the transfer to your investors account.

Deposit money on Robocash account

Deposit money on Robocash account

Another important fact: The first deposit has to be done from your personal bank account. This account will be verified for withdrawals in the future. Afterwards it is usually no problem to transfer from different account to your account.

Usually the transfer takes about 1-3 days. In your profile you are able to make a cross when you want to receive a notification via email when your deposit was credited to your account.

How to make a withdrawal request?

It is a little tricky to find the right button as this one is not bold marked. But when you opening the summary task of your account there will be several boxes below. In the “TURNOVER” box there is a small button called “WITHDRAW FUNDS”. After clicking on it you will be forwarded to the next page.

The minimum withdrawal is 50EUR. Furthermore as I already mentioned it will be just send to one of your verified accounts. An account will be verified after you sent more than 10EUR from it to your Robocash account. Therefore it is possible that your have listed more than one IBAN-number there and are able to choose which you take.

After entering the right account and the amount you want to withdraw you choose “payout” and the money will be sent to your account within the next five days. Of course you are just able to withdraw money which is currently not invested – but the possible amount will be shown to you.

Is there a fee for withdrawals?

No, there is no fee for withdrawals. You only need to withdraw a minimum of at least 50EUR. Below this amount you will not be able to withdraw the money.

How long does it takes until my money arrives?

Robocash says that the money will be transfered to your account with the next five weekdays. Depending on your bank account it might take shorter or longer – I can not really rate it.

From my personal experience it took about three days after I hit the “payout”-button.

Are investors able to refer friends to Robocash?

Yes, there is a possibility. Robocash pays you and your friend 1% upon the amount invested within the first 30 days.

Does Robocash offers a loyalty program?

Of course – otherwise I would not have added this question. Investors who raise their investment above 5.000EUR will receive an extra interest upon the total amount.

  • Bronze: 5.000EUR to 9.999EUR is rewarded with an extra 0,3% per year
  • Silver: 10.000EUR to 14.999 EUR is rewarded with an extra 0,5% per year
  • Gold: 15.000EUR to 24.999EUR is rewarded with an extra 0,7% per year
  • Diamond: 25.000EUR and higher is rewarded with an extra 1% per year

How to get my tax report from my Robocash investments?

Just go into your investors account. On the upper part of the website you click on “ACCOUNT STATEMENT”. On this following website you are able to create several reports including your tax report for a special period of time.

Robocash Tax Report

Robocash Tax Report in your “ACCOUNT STATEMENT”

Beside the tax report there is also the possibility to create a statement, an advanced statement, a turnover statement and a overview of your own credit shares.

How does investing at Robocash works?

Now that you have made your deposit on Robocash it is time to get your money to work. For passive investors like me Robocash is a great deal as there is only the possibility to invest passively. So you need to adjust the auto-invest and get started.

In your account you will find the tab “Invest”. Clicking on it will give you a pretty empty page. Now it is your turn to fill it – however you like. Click on “Create a portfolio” and adjust the auto-invest. There is no chance to invest manually. Therefore it is mandatory to adjust the auto-invest. Otherwise you money will stay in your account – uninvested.

Adjust the auto-invest

Doing so is held pretty simple at Robocash. There are some numbers you have to type in or even smarter – just push the bars.

Robocash Auto-invest

Screenshot of my Robocash-account creating a new auto-invest portfolio

As you can see it is a small one-pager to adjust it. Depending on your strategy you enter the numbers – or push the bars – and will always see how many loans are currently fitting to your adjustments. This is pretty important as the less loans you see, the higher the risk will be to not be invested. Or the chance of uninvested funds is higher. Depends from which point of view you want to look at it.

Personally I would restrict the maximum investment per loan to 10EUR.

Adjusting the reinvestment right

Robocash offers currently four different strategies for your portfolio. Depending on the size and purpose of your portfolio you should take a moment to decide.

Balance – If you only want to invest once, you need to chose this one. Your money will be paid to your account balance after the loan is fully repaid. From my point of view this might be legit, but you are missing out the compound effect.

Payout – Withdraw the money to your bank account after the loan is repaid. That is a great function if you want to withdraw your money from the P2P platform. You do not need to do it manually, but it will come automatically if you chose this one. Please note that the minimum withdrawal amount is 50EUR.

Reinvest Full Amount – Investing into a loan means usually that you are repaid the principal plus the interest. If you want to invest the whole amount again while e.g. growing the portfolio, chose this one. As my current portfolio has not reached its planned size I made my cross here.

Reinvest Principal Amount – Of the loan repayment only the principal is reinvested. That strategy is important when you want to keep your portfolio but do not want to grow it including the interest. I cannot imagine for whom this might be valid, but it might makes sense for bigger accounts.

Chosing the loan origiantors and portfolio limits

Robocash offers the chance to click-in the loan originators you want to have in your portfolio. Therefore they are showing a short introduction of them in small box beside the box.

If you want to have more information about their loan originators you should browse to their special pageย about them.


Overview of investment restrictions and loan originators, screenshot from my account

You should also have a look the three boxes above the loan originators. They are important for the way your money should be invested.

Invest partly – By checking this box you are able to only buy a share of loan. The rest of the loan will be taken by others. Sounds pretty common in P2P lending but worth to mention. Not checking this box will probably lead to uninvested capital depending on the size of the maximum invest per loan.

Auto-Deposit – Transferring deposits to your account is the one thing. By checking this box your funds will be automatically invested into this portfolio you are creating. Especially for me who makes sometimes smaller deposits when I am saving another 10-20EUR with anything this box is a no-brainer.

Accept Secondary Market – I think the name describes itself. By checking the box your auto-invest will also buy loans from other investor who are offering them on the secondary market.

As I already mentioned you should check which of the points are aligned to your investment strategy. In my case it is all of them. Therefore I checked all of the boxes as you see in the screenshot above.

Is there anything to watch out for at Robocash?

I highly recommend to log in into your account once a month. Usually there is nothing to do. Robocash created an auto-invest who is easy to adjust and smart to use. Therefore there should be nothing you stumble across on your monthly checks.

As Roboash works with their own loan originators there is not supposed to be big change like it is at Mintos for example. But checking your account once a month and having a short look at your auto invest is worth the moment where there are changes and you do not recognize them.

What is the minimum investment at Robocash?

Also they show 1EUR in their auto-invest the minimum amount is 10EUR per investment. You might chose bigger numbers if you want to, but I am currently happy with those 10EUR minimum and maximum at the same time.

Does Robocash offers a buyback guarantee?

Robocash’s loan originators are offering a buyback guarantee after 30 days being overdue. Until today that worked out great in my portfolio.

In your account summary you will find a box called “All funds”. Here you can see how much of yourportfolio is overdue.

Robocash All funds

Does Robocash pays interest on overdue loans?

As soon as a loan becomes overdue Robocash pays a late payment fee on the day the buyback guarantee is forced to work.

Is there a secondary market?

Robocash offers a secondary market. Some paragraphs before I was introducing the auto-invest to you where there was a box calling itself “Accept Secondary Marekt”.

If you want to sell a loan out of your portfolio you need to click on the tab “My Investments”. Here you check the loans you want to sell and a small window will arrive where you need to click “Sell”.

Which is the leading currency for investors?

Also some of the loan originators are from abroad and their roots are in Russia investors only deal with Euros. Everything is automatically changed into Euros, where from investors do not have to take currency risk over the time.

Is it risky to invest with Robocash?

There are – from my point of view – three different types of risks. P2P lending is never without risk, but there are facts investors should rate for themselves and decide whether they are able to take the risks or not.

Overall/Economical risks – Robocash is diversified among several countries and areas on this planet. When the economy goes downwards of course Robocash and its loan originators might follow. Just the same like all other companies offering shares. So the risk is very global and not an individual risk of Robocash.

Company risk – Robocash’s numbers are great. You can find them on their website on “Documents” where you will be directed to the website of the Robocash Group. Those numbers are showing, that the Robocash group is financially doing good and earning a lot of money. Compared to other platforms these numbers are near the top of all of them. Also Robocash is situated in Croatia and therewith avoiding the Latvian regulation I would currently say that Robocash is one of the safest platforms to invest in.

Loan risks – Every investor knows the risk. Loans might get overdue or fail. That is usual. Robocash offers a buyback guarantee. Until neither the company got amaged because of it nor investors lost money. I can only speak for myself here, but Robocash offers good loans which are as safe as possible – but not without risk.

Suming those three risk up I tend to rate Robocash as a safe P2P platform. Existing since 2017 Robocash already made through some tough times and was always able to stay ahead. This track record is another huge point to mention when rating the platform from a personal viewpoint.

What happens when Robocash goes brankrupt?

Robocash is a part of the Robocash Group. There is a high interest of a working P2P lending platform which leads to the assumption that the platform itself could possibly not go bankrupt because of the RC Group behind it.

But of course the RC Group might struggle and get bankrupt, which usually causes a long process to liquid the assets. To be honest: I do not know how a bankrupcy is handled in Russia and I further do not know whether European investors have a chance to receive parts of their money back.

Does Robocash earns money?

One of the most important questions regarding the risk of a bankrupcy is the questions how and how much money a P2P platform earns. Robocash earns their money the usual way meaning they take their money from the lenders. When for example a lender needs money, the loan orginator offers him just by example the money with an 20% interest. Out of this amount the LO receives 3%, Robocash another 5% and 12% for the investor.

So let’s have a short look an the Robocash results. Here you will find their figures on the website of the Robocash Group. For Robocash as a P2P lending platform I was not able to find any numbers. But Robocash directs to the website ob the RC Group who is offering the needed data.

Robocash Net Profit from 2016-2020

Robocash Net Profit from 2016-2020, taken from

Now of course there is the question who guarantees for this numbers. Comapnies might write a long and interesting story into their numbers to impress investors and shareholders, but is this really valid?

The 2020 Financial Statement ist audited bei FBK Grant Thorton, which belongs to the Grant Thornton International Ltd loacted in London, UK. I am not sure about the company, but the fact that their financial statement is audited by a third independent party is a point of trust from my point of view.

And as you can see in the chart the RC Group earned 24,0 million USD back in 2020 – the year of the crisis worldwirde. From todays view Robocash can not have the numbers of 2021, wherefore this is the latest figures you can find at the moment.

How does Robocash came along the covid crisis?

Well, also the panemic is still running worldwide the stock exchanges are already back at their All-Time-High. This is an indicator, that economy backed up fast. From a lot of P2P lending platforms we heard and read positive news about their business.

How does Robocash performed? In the above mentioned screenshot you will see, that Robocash earned a lot of money in 2020. On their website they also show the following statement, which indicates that Robocash also struggled in 2020. But the level and downgap on which they struggled is quite small.

Robocach Revenue from 2016-2020

Robocach Revenue from 2016-2020, taken from

I think those numbers are great. There is only a small dip of 1% which is nothing compared to Mintos or Bondora.

Let’s see what their 2021 numbers will look like to rate maybe the period of two years during the pandemic.

Final evaluation about Robocash

Robocash has never been my dream candidate to invest money. To be honest this is mainly because of their bad marketing, which never told me how good they are performing. Now, years later, I digged a bit deeper and found out about Robocash more in detail. Additionally a lot changed in die P2P industry and I was able to gain more knowledge about it. Therefore, let’s list the most important points of Robocash as a P2P lending platform.

Negative things to say about Robocash:

  • Robocash is an all-in platform, meaning there is no diversifcation among independet loan originators possible (same as e.g. Bondora)
  • They are loacted in Croatia, but the team works from Russia – does not look trustworthy on the first sight
  • The platform is not regulated to be compared to other platforms
  • The inferface looks weird when you do not click the roundings-button

Positive facts about Robocash:

  • The RC Group is weel funded and earning very good money as the parent company
  • Robocash offers a buyback guarantee for all of their loans
  • The current interest rate of about 11% is very good
  • Robocash has a 5 years track record (2017) and the RC Group is even more experienced
  • Investing only works via auto-invest who is simple and smart adjustable

How will I work with Robocash in the future?

Currently Robocash is one of my “Focus Four” platforms. After I hit the 25EUR/month I will stay invest and increase my investment as soon as possible. In my eyes Robocash is trustworthy and a good way to invest my money to gain interest from. Additionally they are offering loans from parts of the world which are nowehere else served in that way.

I am looking forward to their 2021 results and rate them in comparison to the whole P2P industry. I expect them to do very good, but let’s see.