Missing pieces in my puzzle to financial freedom

#PAR08 Passive Income Report February 2020

What a wild ride nowadays. Everything I planned for my private life the last weeks since I returned from Asia was more or less nothing more than a thought. I was not really able to find grit for working, as I was (and I am still) very busy with organizing things around the behavior of our company regarding the coronavirus.

And to be honest: I am really not happy with this situation. What I am currently doing is not very clever and not very healthy as well. Writing this down is just like a big slap, which I have not noticed until now. But I have, so it is just another slap in the face.

Those thoughts are something which are joining me the whole day since weeks. It does not feel good to put it that much time for work. And I do not mean those eight hours per day – it is the other four to eight hours overtime. I am not forced to it, so nobody is responsible for it. It is just me. Somehow I am not able to find the path between private (and selfemployed) life and my office job.

Three words about February: Come back stronger!

Honestly, sometimes I feel like hating myself for my behavior. These words and thoughts are contrary to those things I do. And it is just because of this f**king loyalty. I am more loyal to my office job than I am to myself, my family and of course my tiny little blog and everything else I am doing in my sidebusiness. If I could puke digitally, I would be throwing up green and disgusting crumbles now.

So, let’s get back to work than. For me it is very important to realize, what happens at the moment to myself. But just realizing it is not the solution. I need to change things. And it seems like I really need to start again at a point, which I meant I already passed months and years ago.

Those days I am remembering the words written from Arnold Schwarzenegger. In his book he described a situation, where he won a price for something in bodybuilding. Don’t ask me which one, I do not remember. But afterwards he was asked to join another competition in two weeks. And he was doing nothing – no training, not taking care about nutrition. And he lost the competition. After this event he cleared up things for himself and realized, what he had done. From this point it was working even hard, to “come back stronger”. It feels like I am currently realizing and might be on this point soon.

Passive Income in February 2020: 80,58 Euro

Still I have not changed a lot. It is just Robocash, which I added. And this investment seems to be more worse than Ibanwallet, as I received 0,34 Euro on my investment of about 600 Euro. This is less than 1%. Seems like I made the wrong decision at the moment.

Compared to last month the interest income raised. But this is mainly caused by two payments from Bulkestate. Two projects were paid earlier, which brought about 14 Euro. Those have to been seen over the time of their investment and not just isolated for their moment of payment. I will do an update to my review of Bulkestate in June, when I am invested for exactly one year. This will make it easier to understand how the interest income is calculated here.

Mintos: 48,81 Euro – never change a running system

I do not really know what to write about Mintos. This is investment is my hugest in P2P lending. And it is not without problems. There is no month where I do not get any news about a loan originator, which is not able to pay or whatever. BUT everytime Mintos is able to solve it. And due to the big possibilities of diversification, the amount is always quite small.

After everyone was discussing about the Mintos business model and the decreasing interest rates, they are now back at 13-14%. Especially now in March, when a lot of small and also bigger investors take their money out of P2P lending to invest it in the stock markets, you can easily get 15% and more on the second market. I do not care as I have not found any time to improve my investments.

DoFinance: 10,45 Euro and a cashback

DoFinance is still one of my favourites. It is transparent and easy to handle. The only thing I really not like about it is the fact that I have invest manually every month again. There is no chance of reinvesting the paid interest income. I do understand their business model and I do understand why DoFinance is doing it like that, but this everytime work again I have to invest to keep my interest rate up.

The “more income” through this handling might be around 0,5% to 0,6% per year. Therefore I have to login every month once and push on the “invest”-button for another 12 months at 12%. And if you calculate it to the invested sum of 1.000 Euro earlier, this modified handling brings me additionally around 6 Euro of income per year. Sounds wired, but those 6 Euro will again generate more income which is worth the time invested I think.

Bulkestate: 14,91 Euro and new investment projects

It seems like Bulkestate was a quite decision last year. Also our contact is very quite at the moment, I am still fascinated by their working power. They generate new investment projects nearby every month at the moment. So repaid money is not really held in my account for a long time (uninvested). That is great news I think while realizing it.

Now in March it is the first time I am not able to invest into a new project coming up, because I do not have any money left in my account. That is great news for my money as it is invested, but also bad news I might not take a chance coming. However, I have to get used to those onetime payments and not really recognizing on the first sight what my interest rate is, but that is okay for the moment.

Debitum: 5,20 Euro including late payments from last month

This month the interest rate at Debitum is good and over their average. But I have to keep in mind, that this is due to late payments I received. Overall the interest rate is steadily at 9% to 10%, depends on how you calculate it. I prefer the way to calculate the internal rate of return, which shows the reality in my eyes. Here Debitum is somewhere around 9% currently, which is okay for the moment, but below my 10% wanted.

On their blog you can read a lot about the business and especially about their growth. This is quite huge, also it is still on a small level. But still I think Debitum is the right one in my portfolio to diversify into business and factoring loans.

Ibanwallet: 0,87 Euro and no future!

Everyone in the field of P2P lending got more sensitive, when Kuetzal and envestio closed and went their way to bankruptcy as a scam-model as it currently seems. Afterwards there were rumors about several more P2P lending platforms to struggle, but probably not as big as those two. But for any reason I asked myself about my personal risk of being invested in a scam.

Lars published a rating, where he tried to find factors to identify scam-models. And when I rated Ibanwallet I did not find necessarily that it is a proof to be a scam, but compared to other platforms the risk was higher. Still there is no information about what investors invest their money in and no one is available to give me any information. This led to the point, where I decided to end this investment and withdraw my money. Maybe Ibanwallet is still the right for you, but I am out.

Robo.cash: 0,34 Euro – maybe not the best idea

As I already mentioned I was really happy about my investment at Robocash. Meanwhile the problems seemed to get bigger. Somewhere they lost the possibility to offer loans from one of their loan originators, but there are still others.

But if I check my account and calculate the interest income, it is 0,6% for February. This is far away from their promised 12%. I will see what happens in March and further on, but currently I am not very happy with my decision to invest more into Robocash. At the end nearby 600 Euro are nothing I really depend on, I could have invested this money more wisely to receive more passive income.

What will be my focus in March?

As I am writing this report in the calendar week 12 the March is already on since about three weeks. And unfortunately I have to say, that the coronavirus dominated my time. In my last report I wrote:

“…I am a bit behind my own plans. […] I guess I have to perform at any time at my very best – and I mean, this is where I want to be.”

Well, today I have to say I am not, where I want to be. I am not a bit behind my plans, but nearly a month. And I am not investing the time into my sidebusiness, as I wanted it. I guess I could find a lot of excuses therefore, but none of them seems to be true.

I need to change and I need to do it fast. Otherwise others will still lead my attention on their projects and their needs, but not mine. For myself I cannot really accept, that coronavirus or anything else is the excuse for me to not perform at the best for myself.

This is great story telling…

But story telling is not paying your expenses and even not bringing any interest rate to my account. So I need to overthink, where I am really at the moment and which is my path for the future months. And this is what I will concentrate on whenever I will find some time.

I do not want to be famous for story telling. Actually I do not want to be famous at all. I just want to identify myself with someone who executes, repeats and has the willingness to take things as they are and make the best out of it.

So, let’s start with it right here and right now. I will report about it next month, which is just another 2 weeks to go. Take care and stay healthy, guys!

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