Currently I am working on my financial life planning. Since several weeks I try to understand the FIRE-principal in a deeper way than before. As I am not made for living my life mostly frugal with a savings rate abover 50%, I am working on the different aspects of this principal to be implemented in my financial life. Read more
#PAR12 Passive Income Report Aug – Oct 2020
Today we are starting into the last 61 days of 2020. And it seems like those days might get quite hot as the Coronavirus is back in Europe. Here in Germany there will be a so called “Lockdown Light” from tomorrow. It mainly differs from the on in March/April by the fact, that kindergardens and schools will be kept open. Read more
How to use financial life planning to avoid relying on others
Currently I am working on my financial life planning. Since several weeks I try to understand the FIRE-principal in a deeper way than before. As I am not made for living my life mostly frugal with a savings rate abover 50%, I am working on the different aspects of this principal to be implemented in my financial life. Read more
#2 Bondster – The second platform of my P2P High Yield Experiment
Today I would like to introduce Bondster, the second participant in my experiment. After my first post about Reinvest24 we will today travel digitally to Prague, Czech Republic. So I have a participant in my P2P portfolio who is not from the Baltic States. I’m happy about this on the one hand because it is something different for once and on the other hand because it has advantages for diversification. Read more
#1 Reinvest24 – The first platform of my P2P High Yield Experiment
I do know Reinvest24 since quite a while. But it lasted until now to get my first investment there. The reason therefore is simple: Reinvest24 is a smaller P2P platform, which did not matched my general P2P criterias until now. What does Reinvest24 did to match them now? Read more
Let’s have a P2P High Yield Experiment :)
Have you ever thought about P2P high yield investing in your own portfolio? Read more