Estateguru Instant Exit Program

CW 39 – Top #3 P2P News: Instand Exit Program on Estateguru + IBF license for VIAINVEST + Lendsecured Q3 Review-Webinar

Welcome to another episode of my P2P News.  Last sunday I published my Income Report of September and calculated my expected passive income from P2P for October. Maybe nothing impressing for you, but I am really hyped to hit my target. Therefore let’s dive into this weeks P2P News to find out, whether big things on my investments changed.

#1 VIAINVEST regulation with IBF license from FCMC

Viainvest announced that they received the IBF license as well from the FCMC. So after Mintos, Debitum and Twino they are the fourth platfrom who is regulated (in my portfolio).

In the end the license is somewhat like “nice to know” for investors. But also there are no big advantages for investors I still think that this IBF license shows the will of the P2P platforms to level up P2P lending as far as they are able to.

On their blog Viainvest describes their next steps to transform the P2P services into financial services. Probably it will be some kind of products we have already seen on Mintos (Mintos Notes) or Debitum Network (ABS).

#2 Instant Exit Program on ESTATEGURU+ Update on Secondary Market

The estonian P2P platform specialized on real estate loans all over Europe just announced two very interesting features for their investors. The so called “Instant Exit Program” is an inhouse fund, which allows investors to sell their loans at any time and receive their money back immediately.

Those kind of fast exits seem to get popular, after Bondora Go ad Grow as well as Moncera offers them as well. EstateGuru points out, that this feature is designed to help investors and not to earn money from it. The conditions are simple: No fee, but a 35% discount against the outstanding principal.

As the Instant Exit Program is the last thing to do for investors, they also updated their Secondary Market conditions. Until now investors were only able to give 10% discount on the outstanding principal – now it is up to 20% discount.

EstateGuru takes the next step to increase the liquiditiy for investors. I think it is absolutely non-discussionable that those services are not priceless. But getting out for any reason at any time at a 35% discount or selling the loan on the Secondary Market with a 2% fee sounds like a good deal for investors from my point of view.

#3 Lendsecured publishing Q3 Review via Social Media

I really welcome the huge load of quarterly reports from the P2P lending platforms. Lendsecured just announced via email to publish their Q3 figures on 12th of October via their social streams. In advance they offer investors the chance to ask questions. Some of them will be answered during their presentation.

So it will not be a webinar, but several videos and posts who will inform anyone about their numbers out of Q3 2021.

In CW36 Lendsecured announced their merge with Lande. The company itself will be transformed under the label of Lande. I think it is a great move from Lendsecured to be open to questions. Additionally the format of publishing those things via Social Media has another quality for investors. Mostly the review is published and anyone who is interest might read it. I expect something different on 12th of October – but let’s see.

Overall the quantity and quality of reports, numbers and figures rises. Last week Lars mentioned in his  quarterly report that meanwhile about 70% to 80% of the loan originators are publishing at least annual results. Looking back some years there has not even been an information about the loan originator except the name. Therefore I really appreciate the work from all of the P2P platforms.

Up to you – What is relevant for you?

This week there have been some interesting news for my portfolio. Especially Reinvest24 is pretty interesting as it is the beginning of a new month tomorrow and new investments have to made. The Peerberry relocation – well, as I am not invested I am cool with it. In my eye this step is logical if you do not want to be regulated in the Baltics – for whatever reason.

After I made my first short review about Income Marketplace I love to read that they are expanding. Especially in their stage it is important to please new investors with enough loans, so it feels pretty right what Kimmo & mates are doing. I will wait on the sideline with new investments here, but I will definitely have an eye on them.

So, what is relevant for your portfolio out of there news? Are you able to give a short idea of your experiences with LendSecured? Just join my small Telegram Channel and let’s grow it.

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