Hey there, read about my plans of financial freedom

Writing about financial freedom: YES, but this is my very first post on this website and I am quite excited about it. There are several reasons about this excitement, but at first I am happy to welcome you here.

Over the last years I followed a lot of people, who influenced my life. In the end this was (and still is) very valueable, but for me it is time to get started. And this website is exactly my project for the next years, to “get started”.

So, what am I expecting this blog to be?

If I look around on blogs and social media there are a lot of people on their journey to financial freedom. Mostly they are without any kids and often they live in different parts of this world. For the last two years I took a little breathe of this lifestyle – and I really enjoyed it.

Financial Freedom


BUT I have three kids and due to several circumstances I am not willing to leave Germany the next ten years. So I expect this blog to be my diary to my financial freedom.

I think through writing it down and re-think about the things I have done, the quality of decisions will be even better. This puts me again in a better position for my way to freedom.

Why another blog? Why another story?

After leaving university I went to get hired in bigger companies. I changed to earn even more, but all of this money went by and was used for the usual lifestyle. Thinking about it I cannot really imagine to work until I am 67. Not because I do not want to work, but to work someelse’s freedom, but not mine.

The safety everyone is talking about of a hiring in a big company is nothing more an excuse. Do not get me wrong, I am quite happy with my job and the team I am working in, but there is no safety net for me, when the company or my job is in danger.

So this blog will be about my story – my story to financial freedom. Back in school I wrote in every friend’s book to quit working at the age of 45 to live my life on the dividends of my assets. This a bit less than seven years to go. And if you believe the huge masters of finances like Bodo Schäfer, T. Harv Eker or Robert Kiyosaki this time will be enough to reach financial freedom.

It is time for me to get going!

I used the last years to experience several remote jobs during my leisure time. Most of them where by billing used time to a customer. Also a lot of people told me before, I had to make this experience myself.

But now, about two years later, I am still not in a position to say, that I got financially more independent than before. In the beginning of 2019 I decided to just concentrate on business models working 24/7 for me. I have to get rid of myself and my time in my business.

Thanks to all, who tried to invent a multilevel-marketing job for me or a new crypto-trading-course. I am not interested in stuff like this. I want to concentrate on business-models where I have to put work in and afterwards manage them.

Big goals in financial things

I know that those will not earn money the next months. And this is why I have to rethink about my savings rate. Investing the money from the savings rate regularly every month seems to be the right strategy for me the next months, until my own project are earning money.

How do I want to become financially independent?

At first I am sure to work on my savings rate, as I mentioned before. You are always able to save something. But in the end you are just able to save 100% of your income, which limits every one of us. So the next step is to raise the income, especially so called passive income.

I am working 40+ hours per week by getting my hours billed, so I have to invest my energy in more projects, which work beside my time.

My strategy looks quite simple.  When I want get financially independent I need to get more of this so called passive income. And this is the reason for me to invest in P2P loans. There are more or less daily investment statements which show me my passive income. This drives me crazy, also there are just some cents in the beginning 🙂

Besides P2P lending I am investing mainly in dividend shares and dividend ETFs. They all have in common, that there will be a payout of passive income, after I invested.

And this is in the end the thin I want to concentrate on and report you from: income-producing activities! The more of them, the more to invest – and the more passive income will come up the next months.

I do not know today, but I will learn and know tomorrow

When you are asking yourself, what makes me feel like I am the guru of passive income: I am definitely not! I started some things, but until now my financial freedom is far away. Whereas many people concentrate on growth-shares, to get the 200% or 1.000% in some years, I want to be the expert for income-producing activities. Let’s call them IPA’s on this blog.

I do not have a money storage like Dagobert Duck. This is why I have to use the speed lane. Producing IPA’s every month will bring a big passive income to me the next years.

Do you know the six rules of success from Arnold Schwarzenegger?

One says: Work like hell.

Or maybe Grant Cardone with his 10 X rule, which requires “massive action”?

I really enjoyed those audible-books while trying to improve my English. In fact the recipe for success is damn simple, because I just have to stay focused on my goal of financial freedom through IPA’s and passive income until I am 45.

  • What is your plan for the future?
  • Do we have something in common?
  • What is your speedy-trick?

I love to read from people who are on a similar mission as I am. This inspires me a lot and I think I can adopt one or more skills to speed up my way.

Want to know more about me? Just check my About Me page 🙂

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