CW 09 – Top #3 P2P News: Bondora Q&A, Debitum ABS, Russian payment flows
Debitum Network ABS are released – investors are now able to invest into new products. Bondora CEO Pärtel offered Q&A on their Youtube channel which the latest news in the current situation. And of course we re talking about the overall affects of the RUS-UA conflicts for P2P investors!
Welcome to my latest P2P News.
Table of Contents
#1 Bondora Q&A about the current situation
Bondora hosted a Q&A on their Youtube channel. Pärtel Tomberg, CEO and Co-Founder, invited people to ask questions. Already before the event, which was scheduled about one week ago, the collected questions. During the sessions there were also new questions, which Pärtel took some of.
Overall a very good event.
Due to the current situation the most important questions were:
How is Bondora affected by the RUS-UA conflict?
Bondora is not affected directly. There are no business related or financial ties to either Russia or Ukraine. Investor do not have to be scared of an impact out of these countries. But Pärtel also told the audience that Bondora will of course face the marcoecomic consequences like the ongoing inflation.
Will there be changes with Bondora Go and Grow?
Currently Bondora plans to publish new products, but Pärtel was not able to talk about it. He wanted to come back about them very soon. Regarding their current products there will be no changes at the moment. Bondora Go and Grow is running smoothly.
Is Bondora guaranteeing the 6,75% of Bondora Go and Grow?
The overall interest on Bondora decreases since several months. Now it is at 7.47% checking their publishes stats. Therefore the audiences asked if the 6.75% are guaranteed. And of course they are not.
Bondora once again mentioned that this is the rate they are aiming for. But there has never been a guarantee – and they are not planning to give one.
If you want to learn more about Bondora Go and Grow, check my review here.
#2 Debitum Network ABS released
I really like the name of their product as I am aiming for sixpack abs since months and years. Now I can tell everyone I got ABS. But of course therewith the Asst-Backed-Securities are mentioned, which are a part of Debitums new way as a regulated platform.
Debitum Network ABS are so called underlyings of loans. Several loans are wrapped up meeting special criterias and published as a new product for investors.

First ABS on Debitum Network, published for investing
Investors are able to inform themselves about the details of this ABS, as there are several more informations about it. With the first ABS being released Debitum Network is the first regulated platform meeting their targets and moving on.
#3 RUS-UA-conflict – Stay calm also more problems are ahead
The whole P2P industry talks about the conflict. And of course about the consequences. There are several P2p platforms being invested directly in Russia and/or Ukraine. I am also involved with several parts of my P2P portfolio.
For example I am invested with Twino in RUB-based loans from Russia, which brought a huge loss last month. But furthermore there are even more platforms like Kviku, where I am invested directly but also via Bondster.
Due to the sanctions from the world against Russia P2P investors are facing several problems. Peerberry offered loans from Russia and Ukraine – there is only time which will show how they will handle their portfolio. Most platforms already stopped their investments to avoid losses for their investors.
Beside those direct investments you should always keep in mind, that the financial part was hit hard by the sanctions. By cutting out Russia from the SWIFT-system the payment flows had to be organized in another way. There have been several changes on a short notice over the last weeks, which might scare P2P investors. Of course you should have a closer look to it, but during those times we should accept some chaos.
Up to you – What is relevant for you?
Let’s see what the current obstacles will bring for investors. Of course those crisis times are always very hard, but there is always some chance to turn it into something good. Currently I am not able to see it, but I am looking forward to it.
What was your most interesting fact this week? Any news with a huge impact on your P2P portfolio?
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